Coding our Maths Quizzes

Since designing their algorithms and user interface for their maths quizzes (see last post), students in the Middle & Senior Learning Communities have created their multiple choice maths quizzes in the Tynker coding app.

Shape Quizzes

The Middle Learning Community students designed & created a multiple choice Shape Quiz, where they used their knowledge of regular polygons and created code that used repetition and branching coding concepts.

  • REPEAT code blocks were used to draw the shapes, by creating code for one side of the shape and then getting the program to repeat it a certain number of times.  The students had previously created algorithms to help them work out the angle to turn at each corner of the shape.
  • Branching was coded by using IF-THEN-ELSE code blocks to perform different actions depending on whether the answer to a question was correct or incorrect.

Here are a couple of examples :

Amber – Year 4

Daniel – Year 5

Times Tables Quizzes

The Senior Learning Community students designed & created a multiple choice Times Tables Quiz.  They coded 10 questions and kept a score on the screen.  Some students were creative in the way they kept score and one student also kept a timer so the user would know how long it took them to do the quiz.

Here are a couple of examples :

Jayden – Year 6

Tomas – Year 6

Liam – Year 6

Have a go at Liam’s quiz and see if you can create a bit of peace and quiet by getting the answers correct so that the chirpy birds disappear.


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