Coding & Robotics

Over the last few years, several students at St Michael’s school have participated in coding and robotics activities using robotic devices, iPad apps and PC software.  This year, the learning journey has continued through guided play and integrated learning.  These activities relate to the Digital Technologies learning area of the Australian Curriculum.  Specifically, the activities develop coding and computational thinking skills such as :

  • follow, describe and represent a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve simple problems (ACTDIP004)
  • recognising that a digital system follows instructions or commands (ACTDIK001)
  • experimenting with very simple, step-by-step procedures to explore programmable devices, for example providing instructions to physical or virtual objects or robotic devices to move in an intended manner, such as following a path around the classroom (ACTDIP004)

Bee-Bot and Pro-BotTwo floor robots have been purchased, namely Bee-Bot and Pro-Bot, and these have been integrated into learning activities about directional language, mapping skills (grid referencing and direction) and word study.



We have also purchased 4 excellent books in the Cool Robots series by Kathryn Clay and Erika L Shores.





Please take a look at our students in action.




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